Help needed: We are losing our office

We are finally in the process of incorporating the Digital Research Academy and just when we need it least, I get a notice that my office lease will be terminated by end of July...and with that we are losing the headquarters of the DRA.

Munich is a difficult city to find affordable offices, so I am hoping that you can help us.

I love my office. It not only comes with a stable internet connection, but also with nice office neighbors (who are also looking for a new space), a nice view into the trees, and it's neither too close to home nor too far a way.

My office is also the physical headquarters for the Digital Research Academy.

Now we are looking for something new, as our current office space will be repurposed. We have been looking for two weeks now, but small and affordable offices are difficult to find in Munich.

So, we need help: Do you know of any potential offices? Please send them our way!

What are we looking for?

  • Office in Munich, optimally in the west, south, or center.
  • <500€ per month, optimally including internet, heating, and electricity.
  • No furniture needed. I will bring my current stuff.
  • Open space or co-working is not an option as I have many calls and teach online courses.
  • We're happy to sublet and sharing a kitchen and bathroom with others would be a plus.
  • We receive almost no visitors, because we meet clients online or at their offices.
  • We need the office to be our business address, so a (shared) letter box would be required.

Any ideas? Let me know!

Thank you and all the best,

Heidi (and the DRA team)

P.S. The next newsletters will be sent out on Fridays again. I just felt like sending this out earlier was a good idea.

Let's connect!

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Digital Research Academy

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Heidi Seibold, Bayerstr. 77C, Munich, 80335
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Dr. Heidi Seibold

All things open and reproducible data science.

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